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Ryu and Jam - Proposal Story

Ryu and Jam's relationship is a testimony of how God can open all doors possible while creating the best, unique and beautiful love story.

By the grace of God, Jam had the privilege to further her studies in Spain, where Ryu was also pursuing his career.

The same place where they also decided to step out in faith to take their relationship to the next level. Truly, everything is beautiful in His time.

Here is their proposal story as told by Jam.

proposal story

"Ryu invited me for a breakfast date. I was thinking this might be our anniversary date since we won’t be together during our real anniversary.

I didn’t ask for details because I enjoy the thrill of discovering how he planned out things while I go with the flow. Something he does from time to time when we go out on dates.

But the night before, I had a feeling that he would propose soon, though, it didn’t make sense for me, cause he’s still leaving for the Philippines a few weeks after. I told God that I didn’t want to expect, but I prayed that He would give me a grateful heart no matter what will happen the next day.

That morning, he told me that we’ll just walk around the Retiro Park (one of the biggest park in Madrid), and hang out there. No specific plans. I got surprised cause I thought that we’ll eat breakfast. I didn’t eat at home and I was hungry proposal story(priorities hahaha)

proposal story

Anyway, we went to the park, grabbed some coffee and just walked around. I wanted to sit right away cause it was super hot, but he said we haven’t even arrived at the center.

proposal story
Then we arrived at Palacio de Cristal, a beautiful architectural structure made from glass. There’s this lake in front of the palace and we walked around it. While walking I saw a familiar face from afar. It was one of our friends here in Madrid, he was holding his phone up. I said “uy si Ptr. Elmer oh!”. He lives near the park, so I thought it was a nice coincidence. As we got nearer to him, I heard some romantic music being played by a harpist and I saw more familiar faces, our closest friends here in Spain — and they’re dressed up pretty neatly. Then I saw Ryu’s parents. Then I realized that this is really happening, I started saying “I knew it!”

proposal story
Ryu took me on the side, and pulled out a letter I gave him when I said yes to him as his girlfriend. On the last line I wrote: “It would be both an honor and joy to receive this promised inheritance with you, not just in Spain, but the ends of the earth. By faith, ikaw at ako.”

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Then he asked me if I would be willing to receive that promised inheritance again, by faith, together, for the rest of our lives. He went down on one knee, showed me our engagement ring, and asked me to marry him."

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proposal story

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proposal story

proposal story