EJ and Jozah - Proposal Story

This is a love story about how God places everything perfectly in its beautiful time, never too early nor too late. Here is EJ's proposal, as told by Jozah:  

Ej and I have known each other since 2008, we were schoolmates— he was my high-school crush. Our story is a great picture of the movie "Flipped" where the girl likes the guy but he didn't like her then the story came in to a plot twist and now it's the guy who likes the girl but she didn't like her anymore.

After some time, we both moved on from that season of our lives and found ourselves both serving the Lord in our campuses and we never had the chance to be good friends.

Fast forward to February 2017 when we laid his intention to pursue me and he confessed that he was praying for me since 2014. I was surprised because he never showed any hints of it. After three months of courtship, I said yes to be in a relationship with him knowing that this is God's will for us.

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It's has been 2 years and 4 months of faith and character building for both of us and we enjoyed it a lot. But then deep inside we just knew that it's time to put this relationship in the next season. Again, it's time to step out in faith just like the moment when we decided to be in this relationship. Now, it's time to enter for a life-long commitment.

The past months before our engagement was a frustrating season for me, when couples left and right are getting engaged, here I am wondering when my time will come?

It was just an ordinary Sunday, we went out to have a day off from all the demands of this world- to just unwind. Later that day, he prepared dinner for us. Without any hint, I never knew that night would start a new season for us to embark. He knelt down and asked: "Will you marry me?"

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As it was happening, all my ideas of a perfect engagement vanished. This isn't how I pictured it to be but it was PERFECT! It was perfect because how can two imperfect people decide to be together? It's only through the PERFECT love of Jesus shown to us. From the very start, it has and it never will be about us.

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There is nothing like being in the season where God wants us to be, truly He makes everything beautiful in its time and nothing compares to the great love story of those who wait on the Lord!

To Him be glory forever and ever! 😊


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