Mark and Rose - Proposal Story

Mark and Rose - Proposal Story

The love story of Mark and Rose proves that you can still believe at second chances. Now, they are getting Married! Read the whole story below as shared by Mark: 

Moissanite Engagement Rings

Last Christmas, my ex and I finally got engaged. Yes! You’ve read it right. She was my high school sweet heart and ex-girlfriend!

The year was 2007. I am attending a youth camp and in the middle of the crowd; a young brown-haired lady caught my attention. I can’t help it but stare at her smile and pretty face. If only Icould get her name and number I said. So eager to know that girl, I prayed to have an opportunity to talk to her. But my shyness and nerves got the best of me that all I was able to do is to look at her from afar. The last night of the camp came and a fellow called me to jam and play guitar with them. To my surprise, my camp crush was also there and so I grab that chance to get to know her. Finally, we got to introduce ourselves to each other. Her name is Rose, but most friends call her RoAnn. Having that chatwith her feels like I’m on clouds! Well, you could probably imagine the same feeling when your high school crush first talked to you. Haha! The camp ended, we exchanged numbers and stayed in touchthrough text. (We still don’t have chat applications that time and use more on SMS, Lol!) We’ve learned a lot of our common interests especially in music. We both felt comfortable talking with each other. Thenext thing we knew, we’re already dating. However, it was also during high school that we could sometimes get so emotional with little things, so immature and have thought more often about ourselves and how we felt. We’ve made some not so good decisions and that ended our short-lived kilig moments.

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Years have passed and life has thought me so much. I’ve already finished my studies and havebeen working in Bangkok for more than three years. Also been in relationships and heartaches, although didn’t have any regrets as these experiences helped me grew to be the better version of who I amtoday. One night while in my room, a very familiar face just flashed in my head. “Rose, I wonder how she’s been doing all these years.” Out of curiosity, I tried searching her profile in social media, added herwith no expectations whatsoever. The next day, I got a notification. She accepted my friend request! Idon’t have any reason to start a conversation with her until another notification came saying it’s her birthday. That time I thought, “why not send her a birthday greeting?” I then decided to send her amessage. Little did I know that will be the start of another life chapter with her. It hasn’t really felt thatmuch of a difference from when we were in high school. We just laughed at our past stories and began sharing new things that have happened to us. Of course, our conversation later led to answering a verycliché “I’m into you” question. “So what are you looking for in your future partner?” she asked. One by one, I started sharing my prayer list. “God, if you would give me someone to love again, I pray that shewill have the same faith as I am, someone whom I will grow serving you, someone who has the samepassion in music... and my list went on. Unknowingly while Rose was reading my messages, it’s like shewas reading the same list that she has written in her note two years ago. At the back of her head, shewas asking, “Lord, is this some sort of affirmation? Is he the guy?” To cut the story short, it was May of2018 when I went back to the Philippines. We met at a beach and on a sunset, I asked her, “Will you consider us starting all over again?” That day we both knew that we have to make it right before God this time and that we want Him to direct our next steps. In that very same place, we held hands, prayed together and took that second chance.

Engagement Rings Wedding Rings Philippines Charles and Colvard Forever One

Ever since that decision we made, our relationship has been blessed. Favor and approval from both of our families were enjoyed by us. We can really feel that God is working in and thru us. Now thatwe’ve graduated from our church youth, (and yes we’ve already joined the Tito/Tita club. Haha!) It’salways been our prayer that God will use our relationship to set an example for other young people. Andthat it’s always the best choice to wait and to seek His guidance, not only in some aspects of life butmost especially in choosing a life partner.

Finally after several prayers, mentors’ advice and a year of waiting, l felt that this is now the time to put our relationship into the next season. Last December, I went back to the Philippines and convinced my girlfriend to have an out of town and celebrate Christmas together with our families. Her dad also welcomed the idea and so on the 23rd we went to Baguio and met other of their relatives then went up north to Vigan for Christmas day thereafter. Rose didn’t know that even before our trip I’ve already talked to her parents and asked for permission to marry her. I’m so grateful to have theirsupport and blessing. I tried my best not to let her have any idea of what’s going to happen next and so Ijust made her focused on our usual kinds of stuff, food, road trip, and photography. Speaking of photography, I asked her to help me shoot a portrait session of my first content on a youtube page I’mplanning to start. (Well at least that’s what she knows, and that all was just made up. Haha!) I thought this will not give her any suspicions of my plan. It’s already 4:30 pm of the 25th and we’re still on our wayto the beach house that I’ve rented. We’re about 30 minutes away and my mom also added to my worries of where to get her Vigan bagnet. Lol! I’m trying to stay calm and show the normal me while driving though it’s only few minutes before the sun sets. I’m really planning to have that golden hour proposal as that time has always been special to me and Rose. (Remember that sunset we decided to take that second chance?)

Engagement Rings Wedding Rings Philippines Charles and Colvard Forever One

Finally, after a long drive from Baguio, we’ve reached our beach house in Vigan. Right away, I asked Rose to get ready for our photo shoot while me setting up my cameras and trying to hide the ring in my jacket. Then I asked her to walk to the beach and start taking pictures. Do this pose, turn around, do this and that I said as I’m taking the photos. And on her final turn, I place my camera on the ground, reached to my jacket’s pocket, pulled the ring, knelt and said, “Alam kong alam mo na darating ang araw na ito, Love, will you marry me?” Right there on that beach, under an amazing sunset, I got the sweetest “YES” of my life. I can’t contain the joy and the emotions I had during that hour. It was indeed a product of prayers, trust and believing, first to God then in us. There’s a lot morewords said during that time, but these words really have marked our hearts on that very special day. Our parents later joined us at the beach then officially welcomed us as part of each other’s family.

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Our story proves that sometimes second chances do come our way when it comes from God. I believe that we all have a predestined path our creator has planned for us. We just have to know it andlive in that plan. Meeting Rose has always been in God’s master plan for my life and I will treasure her and love her till my time here on earth passes.

Moissanite Engagement Rings

Engagement Rings Wedding Rings Philippines Charles and Colvard Forever One

Engagement Rings Wedding Rings Manila Philippines Charles and Colvard Forever One