Ken and Jace - Proposal Story

I’m Jace and I've had the privilege of writing and posting about proposal stories of different people for the past 8 months, and now that I'm writing my own, it just feels so surreal and I can't help but just be in awe of how God orchestrates love stories. Now I'm excited to share mine. 

I knew about the proposal even before it happened. Ken, my fiance, informed my dad that he was going to propose. When a family reunion came up, everyone was congratulating us even if we weren’t engaged yet. Someone even told me, "Tell us about how Ken asked permission to propose from your dad". (Men, if you're going to tell your Girlfriend’s parents about the proposal, be sure to inform them that it's a secret). Well, at least I know my family’s excited about it. 

I had an idea that he was going to propose soon, but I didn’t know when, so in a way, I can still be surprised. Until we went for an overnight trip to Tagaytay with our friends someone gave the ultimate giveaway in the middle of a ‘Sequence Game’ and said “Juls (one of my close friends) is coming tomorrow right? For the proposal?”


And so began my mixed emotions: “Do I need to practice my reaction tomorrow? Is it really tomorrow? Kaya pala pinilit niya magpa-haircut!” I got excited that I was getting engaged tomorrow, but I also didn’t know what to feel because I knew that Ken is proposing.

(So I was imagining this picture in my head while practicing my reaction HAHAHA)


Proposal Day came. We all ate breakfast normally, had our laughs, then prepared for “the proposal”. Everything was just like a normal day that I even got to tease Ken “Don’t be late on your own proposal, okay?” 


We went to Nuvali so I can buy a new dress (cause I wanted to wear something new for my proposal LOL) then went on our way. We passed through SLEX, so I thought “oh so it’s not going to be in Tagaytay.” When we reached Makati, he blindfolded me, and continued driving to the ‘proposal place’.

When we got to the venue, he parked the car and guided me through the steps towards the proposal spot. When he removed the blindfold, the first thing I saw was…the sunset, palm trees, and our friends holding our photos, while being serenaded by the violin. 


Even before Ken uttered anything, I started crying. The plan was (kind of) spoiled to me, but not the joy of that moment. I wanted to savor every moment and every word that he was saying that I didn’t remember it clearly after haha! All I know was this: Ken counted the cost (of the wedding expense LOLS, and the responsibility) and decided that he wanted to spend the rest of his life with me. And I felt the same.

After the proposal, all of our friends went to the restaurant that they reserved for the 'reception' (kunwari kasal haha). We had our solo time together to talk and pray as we celebrate His faithfulness in our lives.

The moment was more than I can ever imagine, not because the preparations were smooth, but because it was a picture of God giving us the grace to both step out in faith to take our relationship to the next level despite the uncertainty.

The clients of Lucce had stories ranging from proposals being inside a rented airplane overlooking manila to a simple ring on top of a cake. I've come to realize that no matter how grand or simple your proposal is, it’s always gonna paint a beautiful picture because what makes it worthwhile is not the setup or preparation but the people involved. Of course, this proposal, no matter how ordinary it may seem, will always be my favorite one. 


Thank you, Lucce, for guiding my fiance every step of the process in crafting the best one-of-a-kind ring. You did not just craft the ring but you were there with us in our journey. I love how unique it is and how the cut makes my finger look more slender haha!